Kindly support and extend helping hand The ABHI SAI DATTA TRUST Started in the Year 2016 and Society Registered in 2017 in H.No.2-4- 1/1/A , Swaroop reddy nagar colony, Lane Beside Bharath Petrol pump. near Asian Cinema hall. uppal, Medchal Dist, Pin No.500039. The main Goal of the foundation is to look after Orphans and Needy People. I B. PRASAD was also a Student of "Orphanage Home- Studied up to Graduate with the help of Donors and my aim is to help the Orphans and Needy People. which came in my mind and Started the. ABHI SAI DATTA TRUST.
Now there are about 40 Children Staying in the Ashramam. We look after them from shelter to Studies. I Kindly Request your highness to Donate every Month for these Destitute children for your donations, we will provide the receipts, monthly progress repost and marks list every month of the children to you.

Chairman & Managing Trustee