Refund Policy

Cancellation & Refund Policy for Donations

Welcome to the Abhi Sai Datta Trust website. We make our refund and cancellation policies for donations received for a social purpose on the payment gateway public as follows:-

  • 1. Your contributions contribute to our credibility, openness, and accountability. To make it more credible and accountable to our valued contributors, we implement the following procedures as part of our best practises
  • 2. After making the online donation, no cash or refunds will be given. As a result, we request you that you double-check before donating.
  • 3. Any requests for cancellations or refunds of online donations made after they have been properly placed on the website will not be honoured under any circumstances.
  • 4. The donation for a cause will not be reimbursed to the donor once it has been received.